S&K Brussels

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March 22, 2021 Mr. Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper morning edition's article page 13 of March 22, 2021, " EU's Severe Decision on Division of Market - EU Committee Impose Sanctions against Japanese Companies on their Territorial Restrictions".
March 18, 2021 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of March 18, 2021, "LINE's Data Management may be a Concern on Japan's National Security- Risks hiding in International Division of Labor ".
March 10, 2021 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of March 10, 2021, "EU Enforces Sanctions against "Territorial restrictions" on Product Distribution- Japanese Companies also on the Alert"
February 14, 2021 Mr. Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei's article of February 14, 2021, "'Clubhouse' - Management Side Records Audio Chats - Rapidly Expanding Audio SNS - German Authority Alarming on its Opaqueness in Processing of Personal Information"
February 13, 2021 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Asia's article of February 13, 2021, "Social media darling Clubhouse takes heat for chat recordings - Cutting-edge app lags behind on privacy, regulators say"
February 13, 2021 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper's Electronic Edition of February 13, 2021, "SNS - Clubhouse - 'Management Side Records Chats' - Alarm on Protection of Personal Data"
February 1, 2021 "Hot Issue - European Commission announced on November 25, 2020 - The Overview of EU Data Governance Bill and Effects on Japanese Companies"
January 13, 2021 Online Seminar - "Commentary on CPRA - For easier and practical approaches to the CPRA for BtoB Companies" (jointly held by JETRO San Francisco and JETRO Los Angels Offices - jointly supported by Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California and Japan Business Association of Southern California )
January 11, 2021 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper morning edition's article of January 11, 2021, "EU Drafted New Big Tech Regulations - against their Threat to Democracy"
January 1, 2021 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper morning edition's article of January 1, 2021, "Eyeing for Big Tech Regulations - Countries Distressed by a Risk of Market Monopoly".
December 31, 2020 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of December 31, 2020, "Eyeing for Big Tech Regulations - Countries Distressed by a Risk of Market Monopoly".
December 28, 2020 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the MLex Market Insight's article of December 28, 2020, "Comment: Japanese multinationals urged to take privacy measures beyond domestic law requirements".
December 28, 2020 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of December 28, 2020, "U.S. Department of Justice /FTC File Series of Cases, Ending Their Generosity Toward the Big Tech Oligopoly".
December 27, 2020 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of December 27, 2020, "Big Tech Regulations - U.S. Takes the Stage with Sudden Changes to FTC/DoJ Generosity".
December 23, 2020 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of December 23, 2020, "Big Techs pose a threat to Democracy - New EU Regulations suggest a sense of crisis"
October 29, 2020 Webinar "Implementation of the SAFE DATA Act and US Federal Data Privacy Enforcement (Commentary on the US Federal Data Privacy Laws and the SAFE DATA Act etc.)" (held by S&K Brussels LPC )
October 27, 2020 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of October 27, 2020, "Rusty Antitrust Law that cannot cut Google"
October 15, 2020 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of October 15, 2020, "US Democrats and Republicans - Cohabiting but living in different worlds (Dosho-imu) in the GAFA Regulations".
October 15, 2020 Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Morning Edition's article's page 2 of October 15, 2020, "The Truth and Deep Layer (Shinso-shinso) - Cohabiting but living in different worlds (Dosho-imu) in the GAFA Regulations - US Re~
September 30, 2020 Lecture "2nd CCPA Commentary Webinar (Legal Practice Edition)" (jointly held by JETRO San Francisco and Los Angeles Offices - jointly supported by Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California and Japan Business Association of Southern California)
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