March 18, 2021 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of March 18, 2021, "LINE's Data Management may be a Concern on Japan's National Security- Risks hiding in International Division of Labor ". |
March 10, 2021 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of March 10, 2021, "EU Enforces Sanctions against "Territorial restrictions" on Product Distribution- Japanese Companies also on the Alert" |
February 14, 2021 |
Mr. Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei's article of February 14, 2021, "'Clubhouse' - Management Side Records Audio Chats - Rapidly Expanding Audio SNS - German Authority Alarming on its Opaqueness in Processing of Personal Information" |
February 13, 2021 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Asia's article of February 13, 2021, "Social media darling Clubhouse takes heat for chat recordings - Cutting-edge app lags behind on privacy, regulators say" |
February 13, 2021 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper's Electronic Edition of February 13, 2021, "SNS - Clubhouse - 'Management Side Records Chats' - Alarm on Protection of Personal Data" |
February 1, 2021 |
"Hot Issue - European Commission announced on November 25, 2020 - The Overview of EU Data Governance Bill and Effects on Japanese Companies" |
January 13, 2021 |
Online Seminar - "Commentary on CPRA - For easier and practical approaches to the CPRA for BtoB Companies" (jointly held by JETRO San Francisco and JETRO Los Angels Offices - jointly supported by Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California and Japan Business Association of Southern California ) |
January 11, 2021 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper morning edition's article of January 11, 2021, "EU Drafted New Big Tech Regulations - against their Threat to Democracy" |
January 1, 2021 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper morning edition's article of January 1, 2021, "Eyeing for Big Tech Regulations - Countries Distressed by a Risk of Market Monopoly". |
December 31, 2020 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of December 31, 2020, "Eyeing for Big Tech Regulations - Countries Distressed by a Risk of Market Monopoly". |
December 28, 2020 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the MLex Market Insight's article of December 28, 2020, "Comment: Japanese multinationals urged to take privacy measures beyond domestic law requirements". |
December 28, 2020 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of December 28, 2020, "U.S. Department of Justice /FTC File Series of Cases, Ending Their Generosity Toward the Big Tech Oligopoly". |
December 27, 2020 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of December 27, 2020, "Big Tech Regulations - U.S. Takes the Stage with Sudden Changes to FTC/DoJ Generosity". |
December 23, 2020 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of December 23, 2020, "Big Techs pose a threat to Democracy - New EU Regulations suggest a sense of crisis" |
October 29, 2020 |
Webinar "Implementation of the SAFE DATA Act and US Federal Data Privacy Enforcement (Commentary on the US Federal Data Privacy Laws and the SAFE DATA Act etc.)" (held by S&K Brussels LPC ) |
October 27, 2020 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of October 27, 2020, "Rusty Antitrust Law that cannot cut Google" |
October 15, 2020 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Electronic Edition's article of October 15, 2020, "US Democrats and Republicans - Cohabiting but living in different worlds (Dosho-imu) in the GAFA Regulations". |
October 15, 2020 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Nikkei Newspaper Morning Edition's article's page 2 of October 15, 2020, "The Truth and Deep Layer (Shinso-shinso) - Cohabiting but living in different worlds (Dosho-imu) in the GAFA Regulations - US Re~ |
September 30, 2020 |
Lecture "2nd CCPA Commentary Webinar (Legal Practice Edition)" (jointly held by JETRO San Francisco and Los Angeles Offices - jointly supported by Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California and Japan Business Association of Southern California) |
September 24, 2020 |
Mr. Takeshige Sugimoto's comments were cited in the Yomiuri Newspaper's special commentary section of September 24, 2020, "The Meteorological Agency has stopped advertisement on their Website - Administrating 'Managed Advertisement' has its Limit" |