S&K Brussels

and Announcements

from S&K Brussels

Webinar on December 5, 2023 "The EU Data Act Compliance Supports for Japanese Companies by the Largest Law Firm in Europe"(jointly held by CMS, S&K Brussels LPC)

On 9 November 2023, the European Parliament has formally adopted the new EU Data Act, a comprehensive new data legislation that will introduce far-reaching rules on access to and use of data in the EU. The sanction mechanism of the EU Data Act is similar to what we have seen in the EU General Data Protection Regulation. The EU Data Act aims to boost the EU's data economy by unlocking industrial data, optimizing its accessibility and use, and fostering a competitive and reliable European cloud market.

CMS and S&K Brussels LPC jointly organize the webinar on how to comply with the EU Data Act for Japanese companies' groups operating in Europe. Also, this webinar will provide an overview of the key provisions of the EU Data Act, with a focus on the rules that will apply to cloud services and connected devices. We will discuss the following topics:

・The new rules for sharing of data generated by connected devices and services;

・How the EU Data Act will affect cloud providers and users;

・The implications of the EU Data Act for businesses of all sizes;

・How Japanese companies' Headquarters and their European subsidiaries work together on complying with the EU Data Act; and

・What are concrete steps to take to comply with the EU Data Act.

CMS is the firm that has unique local presence of over 50 offices across 26 key European countries and is ranked in Band 1 of the Chambers Europe Guide 2023: Belgium Technology, Media and Telecommunications. In this webinar, Mr. Tom de Cordier, a seasoned technology lawyer and a partner of CMS who is ranked one of the Top 5 lawyers in the Chambers Europe Guide 2023: Belgium: TMT: Data Protection, and Mr. Deven Dobbelaere, an IP/IT/Data Protection & Privacy lawyer and an associate of CMS will take a role of panelists. Takeshige Sugimoto, managing director and partner of S&K Brussels LPC, will take a role of a moderator.

Date December 5, 2023, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Japan time) / December 5, 2023, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM (CEST)
Co-sponsored CMS, S&K Brussels LPC
Business Field EU, Data Act
Link https://kokc.jp/e/eudataact20231205/
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